CS 102: Software Tools

Spring 2022

The course familiarizes students with some of the standard tools on a GNU/Linux system. This course also enables one to create and manage source codes, documents, webpages, slides, images, etc., and introduces scripting, markup, and markdown languages.

Total Credits (C) Lecture (L) Tutorial (T) Practical (P)
3 2 0 2




Clint P. George — clint [at] iitgoa [dot] ac [dot] in
Office: F9, New Academic Block A
Phone: 832 249 0117

Teaching Assistants

Weekly Meetings

  1. The Unix Programming Environment, B. Kernighan, R. Pike, 2015

  2. The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e

Course Eligibility and Requirements

Student Evaluations

We follow a continuous evaluation plan throughout this course, which includes

Note: No makeup exam/quiz/assignments will be conducted.

Expectations from Students

Grading Policy

The tentative grade distribution for the course is follows

Teaching plan

Log on to Classroom to see lecture slides, videos, additional course materials, and announcements.

S/N Topic
  Module 1: Basic GNU/Linux commands, shell scripting, Git
1 Basic GNU/Linux commands
2 Shell scripting
3 Advanced bash commands
4 Version control, basic git commands
  Module 2: Web development tools
5 Markdown
8 JavaScript
  Module 3: Basics of typography and typesetting
9 Basics of Typography
10 Typesetting using $\TeX, \LaTeX$
11 $\LaTeX$: article class
12 $\LaTeX$: beamer class